I have always loved throwing a great party. However, unlike many people, I enjoy planning the parties even more than I do hosting them and mixing and mingling with my guests. While I enjoy decorating and preparing food to serve my guests, my favorite aspect of a party to plan is the entertainment. I have hired DJs, live bands, and even magicians. While many people think that magicians are just for children's parties, I have a favorite magician who never fails to entertain my group of adult friends. I love party planning so much that I decided to create a blog to share my party planning tips on with a focus on party entertainment!
Andre Butler
Got a high school student that you want to inspire? Science is something that will benefit a young person when they enter the work-force or pursue their education. Foster a love of science and pique their interest to learn more with these suggestions.
Educational Science Programs
Intensive high school science programs are a great way to introduce your young person to science among like-minded students. These offerings may be held at locales widely, or you may find some online resources and programs that fit your schedule best.
Science Kits
You can find some intriguing science kits and labs available online if you don't want to hunt around for supplies, and that will also nurture a love of science.
At-home Projects
Grab some simple items and create your own learning environment – in your own kitchen!
Try these easy at-home science projects:
1. The chemical reaction that lye makes when it is combined with water is quite fascinating to watch. When lye is added to water, it heats up and can be used to make regular household soap. Never pour water directly into lye, however, as the result is a messy volcano that can be quite caustic and burn you.
2. If your student wants to better understand the circle of life and food webs, create some clever pyramid food chain blocks to demonstrate the concepts. This involves some artwork, as blocks are sized, colored, and labeled to indicate the animal that is being represented; these can be stacked to form a tactile food web. Larger blocks indicate those animals higher on the food change, and there will be fewer of them, while many more smaller blocks indicating those lower on the food chain.
3. Who would think that two liquids can combine to make a solid; however, that is exactly how to make silly putty modeling dough! Simply combine regular laundry Borax and water together and mix with equal parts of white school glue and a few drops of food coloring, if desired. This is an easy and not-too-messy project that demonstrates a unique chemical reaction in a fun way.
4. It isn't particularly complicated, but you can learn a lot about pond organisms simply by looking at water samples under a high-powered microscope. The real fascination comes when you compare the sample to other water samples, like sea water, toilet water, or water from your tap.
Build something
Engineering is a huge part of science, and not all projects have to contain test-tubes and chemical reactions; building structures and towers from balsa wood is a clever way to instill the importance of engineering in design. Start the project by having the student draft and draw a sketch of what they plan to build, complete with a measurement key and use basic wood glue to secure pieces together. These structures often make impressive entries for science fairs that require few supplies and tools.
Talk to your student's teachers or school administration about educational science programs that may foster a love of learning. There may be summer, extracurricular, or holiday offerings that are perfect for your child. Teach your child how to handle supplies, tools, and chemicals during these activities to ensure safety.